By using our service you will accept all the below attached terms and conditions
Those on the Register must: –
Clearly inform all prospective Trainees in writing of the services provided, with particular reference the Trainers qualification, costs, venue, duration and content in relation to the ADI examination structure.
Inform prospective Trainees of the Organisation’s terms of business and complaints procedure.
Take all reasonable care, skill and diligence in providing training in all relevant aspects of traffic and driver education needed to pass the ADI qualifying examinations, taking into account individual training needs and safety.
Not disclose to a third party any information given by a Trainee during training or training progress or driving and instructional ability except where under obligation in Law or with the DVSA as part of an ORDIT inspection or with a third party who is paying for a Trainee’s training but subject to the Trainee’s knowledge.
Ensure all vehicles used in training are maintained in a safe and satisfactory condition, properly insured, taxed and where appropriate certified as roadworthy.
Apply an honest, moral and professional approach in all business practice and avoid improper language, suggestion or physical contact with Trainees as well as maintaining proper standards of personal hygiene and dress.
Comply with all current legislation particularly in respect of business premises and practice, staff, vehicles and public liability.
All advertising shall fully comply with the best practice, as defined by current Codes of Practice issued by the Advertising Standards Authority in the spirit as well as the letter.
All advertising shall be legal, decent, honest truthful and prepared with a sense of responsibility to both trainees and competitors as well as respecting the principles of fair-trading and competition.
Any claim made in advertising shall be able to be substantiated objectively by documentaryevidence, which shall be made available for inspection upon request.
The full terms of any guarantee shall be given in writing before any training course agreement is signed.
Nationwide Instructor Training have a refund policy for circumstances where a trainee instructor cannot continue training anytime in the future due to serious medical grounds confirmed in writing by a doctor that prevents them from being able to drive or instruct and such refund shall be limited to the savings the organisation would make by not having to deliver the remainder of the training course, in accordance with the Guidance on refunds provided by the Office of Fair Trading.
The refund policy also applies in the event of a trainee instructor failing three attempts at Part Two of the ADI examination, providing that each exam was taken in good faith by the Trainee and taken any free remedial training offered by the training organisation such refund shall be limited to the savings the organisation would make by not having to deliver the remainder of the training course, in accordance with the Guidance on refunds provided by the Office of Fair Trading.
The refund policy also applies in the event of the Trainee being refused their application for registration by the DSA provided the Trainee had not deliberately withheld or falsely stated any relevant information as part of their application to attend the course and provided it was not as the result of any event or incident following commencement of the training course and such refund shall be limited to the savings that an Organisation would make by not having to deliver the remainder of the training course in accordance with the Guidance on refunds provided by the Office of Fair Trading.
Any request for a refund should be made in writing to the training organisation and where necessary should include any proof or documentation to show entitlement to a refund.
Any entitlement to a refund will be delivered promptly and shall be limited to the savings that an Organisation would make by not having to deliver the remainder of the training course in accordance with the Guidance on refunds provided by the Office of Fair Trading.